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Upcoming Events
- Sundays 4–6 PM, see event details for datesOnline WorkshopSundays 4–6 PM, see event details for datesOnline WorkshopIn this six-month creative writing class, I will teach you to craft beautiful, intricate essays, culminating in a collection to submit to publishers.
- Einmal im Monat, Sonntags 10-12 UhrOnline WorkshopEinmal im Monat, Sonntags 10-12 UhrOnline WorkshopIn dieser sechsmonatigen kreativen Schreiklasse lernst du, wie man berührende literarische Essays schreibt, mit dem Ziel, am Ende eine Sammlung in der Hand zu haben, die man an Verlage schicken kann.
- Date and time is scheduled individuallyGoogle MeetsDate and time is scheduled individuallyGoogle MeetsTwelve monthly 1:1 mentoring sessions to discuss all your writing queries. Whether your are in need of constructive feedback, lack inspiration or want to closely work on a book project, the sessions will be customised to your specific needs as a writer.
- Date and time is scheduled individuallyGoogle MeetsDate and time is scheduled individuallyGoogle MeetsSix monthly 1:1 mentoring sessions to discuss all your writing queries. Whether your are in need of constructive feedback, lack inspiration or want to closely work on a book project, the sessions will be customised to your specific needs as a writer.
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